"Faith Groups" Plan Protest of Bank of America, Wells Fargo


“Participants of all activities are calling for banks to stop using their money to fight financial reform efforts in Congress; stop evicting people from their homes unnecessarily; stop the business of payday and other predatory lending; and make good credit available to help rebuild the economy and put people back to work.” CP


Pastors Still Trying to Get Sued


A group of pastors is trying—again—to challenge the IRS prohibition against political speech in pulpits. WND


Heart of the Collective King

Editor’s Note: This article was reprinted by permission from the IFCA’s Voice magazine (May/June 2009).

American FlagBelievers in America are contemplative these days. Though confident in the workings of a sovereign God who rules over the kingdoms of men, their mood has become increasingly somber as the political and economic pendulum has swung out of reach.

Is this a hiccup for America or a heart attack? Are our freedoms threatened or just our values and traditions? How should believers balance national and eternal interests? Are civic and spiritual tied together? How can one best serve his or her country as a Christian citizen?

I believe that if we reorient our thinking we can cheat the pensive gloom and rekindle hope. To do this, we must first explore the Creator’s principles in the ancient text of the Bible, and then take a walk back through patriot alley to explore the principles underlying this grand experiment called America. When we do, we will discover that we the people are the king, but that we the people / the king has a heart disease only the Great Physician can heal.
