Church Shows Appreciation for Law Enforcement


“Much of what is reported in the media regarding law enforcement these days is negative and critical. Brown Street Baptist Church wanted to change that negative perception, at least for those who serve the church’s city.” - GARBC


Evangelicals Call for Police and Criminal Justice Reform


“At the heart of the nonpartisan effort are a set of broad priorities that include some specific policy changes. For example, the initiative is calling for greater public disclosure of reports on use of force by law enforcement agents, deaths in custody, and other metrics.” - C.Today


Gallup: 81% of black Americans do not want police presence reduced in their areas


“Close to two-thirds, 61 percent, of black Americans said they want the police presence in their area to remain the same, while 20 percent said they would like to see police spend more time in their neighborhood, according to a new Gallup poll. Another 19 percent said they would like to see the police presence in their area decrease.” - National Review


Rushed answers don’t solve complex policing problems


MEU uses a co-response model, which means both police officers and mental health clinicians together respond to mental health calls. They occupy the same floor at LAPD’s headquarters. At any given time, up to 16 co-responder teams are dashing across LA in response to 911 calls.” - WORLD


On Government, Police, and Qualified Immunity

These days, there’s a lot to be said for tuning out the info-noise and basking in the bliss of ignorance. Why fret over what you can’t change? There is a Judge of All the Earth,1 and it isn’t me. “Fret not”!2

And, in the daily cacophony of clashing claims, who can sort the truth out of the mess anyway, right?

Well … not exactly.


Clergy patrol: When pastors and police partner up


“In the struggle to reduce problems of over-policing and over-criminalization and improve public trust in law enforcement, what is the role of local community organizations and institutions?” - Acton


Facts don't matter to the already-made-up mind


“In a recent article, Dennis Prager lists four practices that are destroying America from the inside. One of those he outlines is demonization, where an entire class or group of people is labeled as inherently evil. Heather Mac Donald’s WSJ editorial challenged this very thing.” - CPost


Veith on worldview and disbanding the police


“But these proposals come out of a completely different worldview. Are human beings moral agents responsible for their actions, so that committing a crime is a moral offense that society needs to be protected from? Or are human beings not responsible at all for what they do, so that those who commit crimes are themselves victims of the society?” - Gene Veith
