From Voice, Nov/Dec 2013. Used by permission.
I have the humbling opportunity to serve our Lord as a local church pastor in York, Pennsylvania. The church the Lord has brought into my life is currently a growing, family-friendly country church, positioned between historic towns and thriving farmland. But God’s work in my life to bring me where I am today started many years ago. I was raised in a pastor’s home, and was able to watch and observe my father as God used him to lead a local church. I saw him have good days and bad days, and learned from him many things which I incorporate into my own ministry.
However, when I realized the call of God in my life to become a local church pastor as well, I thought I knew it all. After all what else is there to learn that I have not already observed growing up in a pastor’s house? Naively I thought to myself, “this is going to be easy…it’s all I’ve ever known.” I was wrong, and the Lord taught me early, and often, lessons to mature me in my ministry.
As I grew in the real world of ministry I have learned life lessons along the way. I have encountered happy surprises and blessings, and have persevered through the challenges that “come with the job.” I would like to share some of those with you.