Update on the Minister’s Housing Allowance


“This time, the trial court … declared the housing allowance unconstitutional. This ruling has been appealed, and arguments are currently being made before the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago.” - GARBC.org


Pastor salaries not keeping pace with inflation


“Compensation for full-time Southern Baptist pastors and church staff has lagged behind the growth in the cost-of-living over the past two years. And health insurance coverage remains low, according to the 2018 SBC Church Compensation Study.” - BPNews


Theology Thursday - The Sacrament of Holy Orders

Amidst the unfolding homosexual, sexual abuse scandal in the Roman Catholic Church, it’s appropriate to consider the Roman Catholic position on the nature of pastoral ministry.


Pay Yourself Second


“I believe that the Christian version of ‘Pay Yourself First’ is ‘Pay Yourself Second.’ What this means is that, after you give to God, the very next thing you should do with your money is to use it to prepare for your own financial future.” Broke Pastor


Lessons of a Young Pastor

From Voice, Nov/Dec 2013. Used by permission.

I have the humbling opportunity to serve our Lord as a local church pastor in York, Pennsylvania. The church the Lord has brought into my life is currently a growing, family-friendly country church, positioned between historic towns and thriving farmland. But God’s work in my life to bring me where I am today started many years ago. I was raised in a pastor’s home, and was able to watch and observe my father as God used him to lead a local church. I saw him have good days and bad days, and learned from him many things which I incorporate into my own ministry.

However, when I realized the call of God in my life to become a local church pastor as well, I thought I knew it all. After all what else is there to learn that I have not already observed growing up in a pastor’s house? Naively I thought to myself, “this is going to be easy…it’s all I’ve ever known.” I was wrong, and the Lord taught me early, and often, lessons to mature me in my ministry.

As I grew in the real world of ministry I have learned life lessons along the way. I have encountered happy surprises and blessings, and have persevered through the challenges that “come with the job.” I would like to share some of those with you.
