When Puppies Replace People


“Dog birthday parties are indeed very telling of our changing view of having children. Why does this matter? God loves people, and even after the fall He sees new human life as a beautiful thing. ” - P&D


Thoughts from Digital Babylon


“Parents, our kids may not be physical captives in Babylon, but they are captives to whatever is captivating them. And that presents a serious challenge for discipleship.” - Baptist Press


Supreme Court to Decide 2 Critical Cases on Protecting Children


“Both Mahmoud v. Taylor and Free Speech Coalition v. Paxton address a fundamental question: Will parents maintain their God-given right and responsibility to protect their children and guide their moral development?” - TGC


When Parenting Is Politicized


“In 1967, my mother was 10 years old. By that time, she had for about a year been taking a city bus alone, from her residential neighborhood to Philadelphia’s city center…. had also been babysitting her two younger siblings—alone in the house, not as a mother’s helper—from the age of seven.” - L&L


The Simplicity of Biblical Parenting

From the archives…

Christian parenting experts often seem unable to see the forest for the trees. Whether it’s “grace based,” “gospel centered,” “heart focused,” or some other phrase du jour, many seem to begin with a lofty concept about what the Bible ought to teach about parenting then go to Scripture and—surprise!—find it there.

As a result, we have constantly clashing emphases—to the everlasting frustration of parents, who just want to know what God expects of them and how to perform those tasks more effectively.


Excellence in Conservative Christian Music Begins in the Home


“First, Christian parents should play and learn to appreciate ‘classical music’ in their homes on a regular basis…. Second, Christian parents should seek to provide classical musical training to their children in the form of music lessons if possible.” - P&D


Toxic Phones—or a Toxic Culture?


“That is the argument I make in the new edition of my book (October 1) The Collapse of Parenting: namely, that the problems American kids are experiencing are not solely due to smartphones per se, but to an increasingly toxic American youth culture.” - IFS


Parents Are Stressed. The Church Can Help.


“modern parents seem to be having an especially hard time. The U.S. surgeon general recently released an advisory warning that parental stress is a significant public health concern as 4 in 10 parents say that most days they feel so stressed they can’t function.” - TGC

