Kevin Bauder: Incarnation
Little child, look on me—
What can Thy newborn eyes see?
Dost Thou recognize a man
Fashioned by Thine ancient plan?
Infant that Thou hast become
Canst Thou yet behold me from
The aspect of eternity?
Humanism and the Incarnation
“The inestimable value of humankind and human nature is underlined by nothing less that the incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ. To affirm the enfleshment of the God-man is to affirm the value of humanity.” Nick of Time
Mohler, Mormons, and Militancy
"It would seem that the council system could readily be adapted to address at least some of the problems related to sexual abuse."
“While a council does not have the powers of a judicatory, it could still offer public advice as to the suitability the accused pastor’s conduct.” Church Accountability and Sexual Abuse