"There's a Jesus described 600 years later by the Qur’an" sifilings Wed, 04/09/14 8:29 pm BodyDo Muslims Love Jesus?‘Jesus is Muslim’ billboards concern ChristiansAsk a Muslim site: “Jesus was Muslim” (Comment: Muslim site) Discussion
A Malaysian court ruled Monday that the word “Allah” can only be used by the country's Muslim majority sifilings Tue, 10/15/13 8:29 pm BodyNo more ‘Allah’ for Christians, Malaysian court says Discussion
Pope calls Muslims "our brothers" sifilings Sun, 08/11/13 8:29 pm BodyPope Francis greets Muslims and urges both Christians and Muslims to promote mutual respect. Discussion
We are living through one of the largest persecutions of a religious group in history. sifilings Tue, 07/30/13 8:29 pm BodyChristian Tragedy in the Muslim World Discussion