Study: Utah is no longer a majority-Mormon state


“Latter-day Saints make up just 42% of the population of Utah, according to a new study…. far lower than the 60% cited just a few years ago in The Salt Lake Tribune” - RNS


LDS Church could be a $1 trillion denomination by 2044, report suggests


“With an estimated wealth of $236 billion in 2022, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints could potentially cover all of its current expenses ‘forever’ with returns from current investments without collecting any additional tithes from congregants.” - CPost


My Journey Out of Mormonism


“I reveled in the stories and worked hard to be a ‘worthy priesthood holder’ (as a young deacon) throughout my teenage years. But that project began to crumble as I spent more time on the internet.” - TGC


In Mormonism, yesterday’s heresy is today’s orthodoxy


“In 1973, Mormon author Carol Lynn Pearson’s feature article for the ‘Ensign’ magazine was pulled at the last minute, and she was banned from writing about women for Church publications. What was controversial then has become the party line.” - RNS
