The Earth Is the Lord’s … Including Our Money
“Currently, the national debt stands at over $36 trillion, more than $100,000 of debt for every person in the country. That’s on top of the debt personally incurred by 77% of American households, which is on average to the tune of about $65,000.” - Breakpoint
For Richer, for Poorer: How to Steward Money in Marriage
“Using the word makarios, which means ‘happy-making,’ Jesus said, ‘There is more happiness in giving than in receiving’ (Acts 20:35 GNT). Nanci and I found that happiness, not duty, permeates a God-honoring theology of money.” - Randy Alcorn
Why Does How We View Money Matter?
“We tend to focus on things that belong at the tail end of stewardship discussions, not the beginning. In effect we’re trying to install the gutters before we’ve laid the foundation and started the framing.” - Randy Alcorn
Sports Betting Has Become Too Prevalent for Christians to Ignore
“There is a reluctance among Christians to condone gambling but not enough opposition to condemn it outright. I think many Christians aren’t quite sure what to make of the morality of gambling.” - C.Today
Will Our Relationships with Others in Heaven Be Part of Our Eternal Rewards?
On Luke 16:9… “After we die, Jesus is telling us, when our present assets of money, possessions, time, and life are gone, we may be welcomed by friends into eternal dwellings.” - Randy Alcorn
Young Man, Don’t Even Make That First Sports Bet
“If you’re a man, and especially if you’re a young man, they’re after you. They want you. And they know you’re vulnerable…. I’m going to give you four reasons that betting is not only unwise but also sinful” - Challies
The State of the American Middle Class
“Notably, the increase in the share who are upper income was greater than the increase in the share who are lower income. In that sense, these changes are also a sign of economic progress overall.” - Pew
Yes, it’s wrong to gamble
“Profiting from the weakness and misfortune of others is no way to treat a neighbor.” - World
Our Skewed View of Wealth
“Jesus knew that money was the rich young man’s god. If Christ is not Lord over our money and possessions, then He is not our Lord.” - Randy Alcorn