Our Skewed View of Wealth


“Jesus knew that money was the rich young man’s god. If Christ is not Lord over our money and possessions, then He is not our Lord.” - Randy Alcorn


Financial Advice from a Dead Guy


“In recent months, I’ve written about marriage and parenting advice “from a dead guy” (i.e., John Chrysostom, c. 347–407). In this post, I’m going to note a few comments about wealth and poverty from this same church father.” - John Aloisi


LDS Church could be a $1 trillion denomination by 2044, report suggests


“With an estimated wealth of $236 billion in 2022, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints could potentially cover all of its current expenses ‘forever’ with returns from current investments without collecting any additional tithes from congregants.” - CPost


What Does It Profit? Gambling and the Christian Tradition


“While nothing like a sports betting app on a cellphone could be imagined by the moral theologians of previous centuries, the wisdom of Christian moral reflection on gambling does have some significant lessons to teach us” - Acton


Growing Number of Christians Obtaining Payday Loans


Lifeway study for Faith for Just Lending: “More than 3 in 4 believe it is a sin to loan money in a way that the lender gains by harming the borrower….Still, 1 in 3 have obtained a payday loan themselves, and a growing number see such loans as helpful.” - Lifeway


Fewer Churches Face Limited Cash Reserves


“Compared to 2016, churches are more likely to have more than seven weeks of cash reserves. Additionally, few have had someone embezzle funds from the congregation.” - Lifeway
