Fewer Churches Face Limited Cash Reserves


“Compared to 2016, churches are more likely to have more than seven weeks of cash reserves. Additionally, few have had someone embezzle funds from the congregation.” - Lifeway


“Ramsey's rent rant exposes deficit in financial peace”


“Ultimately, Ramsey’s motto, ‘If you will live like no one else, later you can live like no one else,’ is not worth the paper it is printed on for Christian who don’t understand that it is freedom from money as a master, not getting out of debt, that really matters. ” - CPost


Inflation Fears Are Justified, but There’s No Reason To Panic (Yet)


“Headline numbers aside, it is abundantly clear the CPI is being pushed up by several spending categories where demand took a dive during the pandemic. Prices for hotel stays, airfares, and restaurant meals, for instance, have accounted for a large portion of the recent CPI increase.” - Heritage


Review: Money, Debt, and Finances


“Any Christian book on this subject faces a challenge: it must deal with both timeless principles and contemporary applications—issues that transcend time and context and those that are inexorably bound to a particular time and a particular context. Money, Debt, and Finances strikes just the right balance.” - Challies


Members of Bethel Church Taken in $35 Million ‘Ponzi Scheme’


“Piercey used his involvement with Bethel Church in Redding to draw people into investing in his scheme… . experts believe groups like churches are particularly vulnerable to such schemes…refer to the phenomenon of con artists targeting church groups as ‘affinity fraud.’” - CLeaders
