Most Churches Report Good Financial Health


“around 3 in 5 U.S. congregations say their current financial health is either good (35%) or excellent (26%). Another 28% say they are tight but able to manage. Only around 1 in 10 say they have some difficulty (8%) or serious difficulty (3%).” - Lifeway


Missionary Support: Inviting and Partnering with Missionaries


“While the missionary-supporter relationship is multifaceted, this basic truth must be established: anyone choosing to financially support a missionary joins the missionary’s ministry and that of his sending church.” - P&D


Pastors and Planes – September 2024


“Liberty University remains the biggest user of private aircraft. It typically holds that position month in and month out. Liberty University has an aviation program that uses aircraft for training purposes. We do not include these aircraft in this list.” - MinistryWatch


Partners in Ministry

Read Part 1 and Part 2.

One of the biggest takeaways from my study of The God Ask by Steve Shadrach (Fayetteville, AR: Via Nations, 2023) and my participation in Via Generosity’s Support Raising Bootcamp was the importance of developing partners in ministry.


‘The God Ask’

Read Part 1.

In this short series, I am sharing some of the things that I learned at Via Generosity’s Support Raising Bootcamp, which I attended earlier this month near Austin, TX. The training is centered around the book called The God Ask by Steve Shadrach (Fayetteville, AR: Via Nations, 2023).
