Pastors or Shopkeepers?


“Give me a church where men stand before their congregation and open up their Bibles and thunder, ‘Thus says the Lord.’ They aren’t harvesting social media followers or their brand…. these men and the churches they lead are content to be faithful and be forgotten.” - Richard Bargas


Social Media Deplatforming and the Law


Deplatforming: “Use of the word has expanded to include banning, limiting, or demonetizing an individual or organization’s social media access based on the content or ideology of their message.” - Maranatha Baptist Univ

Hat tip: P&D


Our Worship Is Turning Praise into Secular Profit


“With corporate consolidation in worship music, more entities are invested in the songs sung on Sunday mornings. How will their financial incentives shape the church?” - CToday


“Speed Limit”: How the Sufficiency of Scripture Should Make Us Patient


“Unbelievers see things more clearly than we think. They sniff out our attempts to market Jesus. They see through our sales pitches. They’re far more serious about their worldview than we give them credit for. And I think our ignorance of this fact offends them even more than the content of our worldview.” - 9 Marks
