Research: Churchgoers express hope, sadness over leaders who leave the faith


“LifeWay Research asked more than 1,000 Protestant churchgoers how they feel when a person well-known for their work in Christian ministry announces they no longer accept their previous faith…. More than 3 in 5 churchgoers say they hope the former ministry leaders come back to the Christian faith someday” - BPNews


Pastors Reveal Their Top 9 Current Ministry Stressors


“LifeWay Research followed up their survey of pastors in March with a new survey that asks how the coronavirus is impacting their churches and them individually currently. Here’s what pastors identified as their nine biggest pain points and ministry concerns with quotes from actual pastors about those issues.” - F&T


1 in 5 Churchgoers Travel to Church Alone


“A new study from Nashville-based LifeWay Research found 1 in 5 Protestant churchgoers (19%) say they typically travel to church alone. Most travel to church with their spouse (54%), while close to a third say their child or children ride with them (31%).” - F&T


LifeWay research: Pastors don't link world events to speeding up return of Christ


“Around 1 in 8 Protestant pastors (12 percent) believe Christians can speed up the second coming of Jesus by supporting geopolitical changes mentioned in the Bible, with 5 percent strongly agreeing. Four in 5 pastors (80 percent) don’t believe their support will have an impact on the timetable of Christ’s return” - BPNews


LifeWay research: evangelicals' views on civility and respect in public discourse


“Two in 3 Americans with evangelical beliefs (66 percent) believe being civil in political conversations is productive, with 22 percent dissenting and 12 percent not sure…While 58 percent say they tend to believe those who disagree with them have good motivations, 54 percent say when they disagree with someone politically, the other person tends to take it as a personal attack.” - BPNews


Study: Relationship building good, more discipleship needed


“Fewer than half of churchgoers (48 percent) agree with the statement, ‘I intentionally spend time with other believers to help them grow in their faith.’ This includes 19 percent who strongly agree. The same number (19 percent) disagree.” - BP News


LifeWay: Young adults keep Christian label, but fewer 'devout'


39 % say see themselves as devout Christians with strong faith in God. 27% see themselves as Christian, but not particularly devout. 14% affirm belief in God but are uncertain of Christianity. 11% consider themselves spiritual, but not religious. - BP News


Study: Most churchgoers still abstain from alcohol


“While 41 percent of Protestant churchgoers say they consume alcohol, 59 percent say they do not. That’s a slight shift from 10 years ago, according to the LifeWay Research survey, which was conducted Aug. 22-30, 2017.” - BP News
