The Proverbial Fool and the Importance of Avoiding Him

Scripture is clear—Proverbs in particular—that there are such things as fools and these individuals are nothing but trouble. We shouldn’t be in their company more than necessary—much less, put important responsibilities in their hands.


The Cautionary Tale of Jerry Falwell Jr.


“Many accusations were based on anonymous sources, and allegations of financial misconduct, to the degree there is any, of course must be borne out by impartial investigations and credible evidence. Still there is an odor in the air. ” - Christianity Today


How to Lead in a World of Distraction: An Interview with Clay Scroggins


“What are the three villains of leadership?…. To put them simply they’re the appearance of success, the allure of progress, and the attraction of certainty. Everyone experiences these things, whether they’re in a position of leadership or not, and they have the ability to really keep us from moving forward in our lives.” - Bible Gateway


The Comparison Trap

By Daryl Neipp

In his book Satisfied, Jeff Manion describes a fictional interaction to which we can all relate. It’s a warm evening. A dad calls to his son, who is playing in the backyard, “Would you like some ice cream?” The son bounds into the house, where he finds a large scoop of ice cream in his bowl, and life is good (especially if it is mint chocolate chip).


Why Leader’s Time Management Skills Depend on Large Blocks of Time


“Meetings, emergencies, and time with people are a given. But what about preparing messages, planning ahead, and crafting direction? Some leaders have excellent time management skills because they set large blocks of time for that work while others attempt to ‘squeeze that work in’ to their busy schedules.” - Church Leaders


Life Lessons for Leaders: Echoes from History

Leadership, especially in our Lord’s vineyard, is a challenging call. The same is true of Christian leaders who serve in society, secular work, government work, the military, etc. At first glance, leadership looks like it would be fun. You speak, people do things. The reality is much different. God-honoring leadership is servant-minded influence, empowered by the Holy Spirit, where the leader encourages those who serve with him toward the completion of a unified goal—a goal typically broken up into smaller strategic and then tactical objectives.


Panel examines women's role in Southern Baptist Convention


Danny Akin: “There is an essential equality between men and women,” he said, “and yet within that framework God has established distinctive roles and assignments for men and for women, and we rejoice in that good gift of God.” - BPNews


3 Reasons to Learn from Your Complainers


“Sinful complaining can impact churches and pastors in destructive ways. However, [there are] some forms of complaining—or what sounds like complaining—that can be a sign of health.” - Facts & Trends
