On Ambition in Ministry

Ambition in life is generally a good thing. Ambition in ministry is indispensable.

We have all heard the tired trope about pastors working only one day a week. It is sad when people repeat such drivel. It is tragic that some ministers have actually provided fodder for this criticism.

Yes, the ministry can, sadly, become a place for the indolent to hide. I’ve never understood why anyone with this mentality would seek the ministry to begin with, but some undoubtedly have.


The Rich (And Everyone Else) Get Richer


“the meme is channeling a certain truth without really nailing the truth: the number of ‘lazy’ folks who are living for ‘free’ is in fact negligible—they are not necessarily the parasites the meme implies.” - L&L


Get Behind Me, Sluggard: Four Lessons Against Laziness


The sluggard “finds a native habitat in every soul…. When the alarm buzzes, he paws the snooze. When a work project calls for relentless focus, he quietly opens a new browser tab. When some unwelcome duty faces us… counsels, ‘Tomorrow.’” - Desiring God


What Is Sloth?


“With this theme of sloth as ‘love defective,’ Dante comes close to a biblical definition of sloth. Sloth isn’t just laziness. There is a deeper inner motivation to sin that, at its core, is a defective love.” - Ligonier


Rejecting the Ways of the Sluggard


“We must first see that the Bible takes a dim view of idleness. This is clear in how Proverbs speaks of the sluggard. The word is used 14 times in the book of Proverbs; thus painting a clear and unflattering picture” - byFaith


On Sloth


“Since my previous post was on doing less and thereby getting enough sleep, I suppose I should balance it to keep folks out of the ditch on the other side of the road.” - Olinger
