Jesus’ or Jesus’s?

Long ago, a question posted in the Sharper Iron forum regarding the possessive form of “Jesus.” Is it Jesus’ or Jesus’s or something else?

Commenters provided good answers for the English usage and style options at the time. In short, Chicago Manual of Style called for one option, while other style guides had different rules.

Today, style manuals still differ on this point. In some cases, though, their specifications have changed.


Pastor, Are You Making These Common Lexical Mistakes?


“words in isolation communicate a general broad concept (a semantic range)…. But when that word is placed in a context—voila!—that broad concept suddenly has been narrowed down by the context into a specific meaning that can be translated with a gloss.” - Word by Word


English Is Not Going Bad, Says Top Expert


“ ‘Is the English language decaying? Was it once in a pristine state? Has it been sliding ever since?’ I was relieved to see Garner say ‘No, on all counts.’” - Mark Ward


On the Changing of the Dictionaries


“…in our day everything is political and that all of society’s structures and institutions are being made subservient to political ends. …Second, it affirms that in our society self-definition is considered unassailable so that a person’s individual defining of a word must reign over a dictionary’s.” - Challies


Princeton Trades Classics for Diversity?


“Imagine a software engineering class that doesn’t make students learn computer code. That should give you some idea how ridiculous it is that Princeton University is no longer requiring classics majors to learn Greek or Latin. Not zoology students or English majors, but classics students. You know, the folks who study Greek and Latin culture.” - Breakpoint
