Sanctification: Different From Justification


“The saint is justified the moment they trust in Christ; God works immediately and fully. The saint progresses in sanctification through a lifetime of walking as the Lord continues to work. But all of it from start to finish is a work of God grounded in Christ and carried out through the Holy Spirit.” - Tim Bertolet


“...when the Jesuit Order was founded and then employed to stop the Protestant movement, it was the doctrine of the Assurance of Salvation that was their primary target.”


“The uniform teaching of Scripture is that ordinary Christians, should be able to make their ‘call and election sure,’ (2 Pet. 1:10), and that not by some ‘extraordinary revelation,’ such as Rome taught, but merely by looking for the unmistakable and certain evidences of the work of the Spirit in their lives.” - Ref21


Justification and Union with Christ


“There is more to our union than just receiving our justification. But there would also be no justification upon the believer in Christ is there was not this deep and close intimate union between Jesus and the believer that is established by God. I am in Christ and Christ is in me.” - Ref21


Justification and the Remonstrants


” I have suggested the Remonstrants caused a crack in the foundation of the biblical doctrine of justification. This crack is not as vivid in the five articles submitted in 1610 as it is in the writings of Arminius himself.” - Ref21


Justification and Martin Luther


“He believed the Church when it taught that a believing sinner received the grace of justification through the sacraments as he did his part to cooperate and become righteous. And this is what kept tripping Luther up – his part was never good enough.” - Ref 21


New series at Reformation 21: "takes us back to the old perspective on Paul’s view of justification"


“…the good old doctrine of justification has been opposed for about thirty years now. Its primary contender is the New Perspective on Paul or the New Perspective on first century Judaism, whichever moniker you prefer ….advocates of the New Perspective believe that Luther and Calvin (not to mention those in their wake) committed the hermeneutical error of eisegesis.” - Ref 21


Gregg Gilbert on what is and is not "The Gospel"


“Many of us would be helped in our preaching of the gospel by not just preaching the simple (though true) propositions of substitutionary atonement and justification by faith alone, but by re-embracing the epic of the Bible, placing those things in their proper place in the grand storyline. … But …” - 9 Marks
