The Word is Jesus! Should you let Jordan Peterson preach the Word to you?


“Jordan Petersen is doing a series on the Gospels on the Daily Wire. The discussion panel consists of Jordan Peterson (a Canadian psychologist and social philosopher who admittedly is not a born-again believer), Dennis Prager (a religious Jew, founder of Prager U)” and others. - P&D


Jordan Peterson wrestles with God


“In a new lecture tour to support a forthcoming book, the psychologist and public intellectual hews ever closer to Christianity, tantalizing fans who take their cues on converting from his secular but religiously curious thought.” - RNS


Peterson almost seemed to be saying: “I want to be well.”


“During a remarkable convocation service at Liberty University on March 29, psychologist and best-selling author Jordan Peterson unexpectedly encountered the desperation of someone who wanted to change his life, but who seemed lost to know how to begin.” -World
