James MacDonald Sues Critics after 2,000 Leave Harvest Bible Chapel
“The authors of a longtime watchdog blog and Julie Roys, who was reporting on the church, face defamation claims.” - CToday
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
“The authors of a longtime watchdog blog and Julie Roys, who was reporting on the church, face defamation claims.” - CToday
“For many months, we have labored under the awareness that our church discipline of a year ago was a failure in many respects, not the least of which was the complete lack of biblically required restorative component, which wronged the brothers that we were attempting to help” CT
In the earlier post, MacDonald acknowledged his own inconsistency: he knew he should not have “used strong language” to scold others for being harsh in their criticism of the Elephant Room strategy. But in yesterday’s post and video, MacDonald casts off restraint and reverts to angry-sounding rhetoric.Despite their starkly contrasting styles, both statements have one thing in common: MacDonald wishes those with concerns about what he is doing would just shut up.