Islamists on track to dominate Egyptian parliament


Bottom line: A supermajority, or something close to it, of the new Egyptian parliament will be Islamist. Wonderful.
The Journal says the unofficial split is 50 percent for the Muslim Brotherhood and 15 percent for the even more radical Salafists. The Times says it’s more like 40 percent for the Brotherhood and 25 percent for the Salafists.


"There is no room for [Israel] in the region."


The Iranian president said on Friday there will be no room for Israel in the region after the formation of a Palestinian state, and that once the state is established, the liberation of all Palestinian lands should follow. The comments by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad reflected his typical anti-Israeli rhetoric, which has drawn international condemnation since he first said in 2005 that Israel should be “wiped off the map.” Full report is at
