Darwinian Evolution is Running out of Time


“The theory of intelligent design is often dismissed as religion pretending to be science. Critics argue that the theory doesn’t make any predictions or contribute to our knowledge of the natural world, and plus, it’s not taken seriously in any peer-reviewed scientific journals.


Seeing the mind behind the universe


Intelligent Design advocate Stephen Meyer on his new book: Return of the God Hypothesis: Three Scientific Discoveries That Reveal the Mind Behind the Universe. - WORLD


"Evolutionists are having a hard time explaining beauty among God’s creatures"


“A January headline from The New York Times Magazine: ‘How Beauty Is Making Scientists Rethink Evolution.’ Not reject, mind; it would take a literal act of God to do that. But a number of biologists are suggesting that natural selection alone doesn’t explain certain aesthetic properties of selected species.” - World


How Did We Get Here? Competing Theories of Origin

“How did we get here?” This is one of the great questions of life, and its answer sets the direction for so many other answers to great questions. If we are descended from animals, then are we not justified in living as animals? If we are generated merely by chance, then is there any meaning to life, or do we simply make our own? If we are created by a non-involved creator, then are we accountable to that creator? If we are created by the Creator described in the Bible, then are we not accountable to Him, and should we not look to Him to guide in our understanding of existence in His universe?

How we answer the origin question in large part predetermines how we view and answer questions of our own personal meaning and responsibility. We really can’t know what we should do unless we know who we are. And we can’t know who we are unless we know from whence we came.
