We Stand or Fall on These Truths

The battle cry of the Protestant Reformation is often summarized in five sola statements: sola Scriptura, sola gratia, sola fide, solus Christus, and soli Deo gloria.1 Although you often can find these five sola statements written in a different order, the order is significant, and the first and last are always given pride of place. This is not by accident. Sola Scriptura, Scripture alone, was the basis of all the other doctrines that follow.


New Research Confirms Postflood Dispersal of Humanity


“the dispersal of humanity described in Genesis 10–11 need not be considered a fantastic element. The data provide no warrant, scientific or otherwise, to abandon or alter the traditional historical doctrine of biblical inerrancy.” - Hugh Ross


5 Recommended Resources on Inspiration and Inerrancy


“The following resources, curated by the Ligonier editorial team, seek to answer these eternally significant questions and build confidence that the Bible is the final and authoritative Word of God.” - Ligonier


Inerrancy: Recent Overview and a Review


Among other things, a look at the importance of Westminster Theological Seminary and Vern Poythress’ Inerrancy and the Gospels in the defense of the doctrine of inerrancy. - Ref21
