A Christian response to immigration


“Immigration, particularly unauthorized immigration, presents complex challenges. Our laws need compassion, clarity and enforcement…. Laws help maintain order and safety in a society. However, much of the rhetoric dominating conversations and social media is unproductive and divisive.” - Baptist Press


Can Christians Consider Mass Deportations As Moral?


“There’s intense debate over practicalities in Trump’s plan regarding the money required and whether Congress will appropriate it, how to track down persons living here illegally…. Beyond calculations on what’s feasible or wise or popular, Christians are pondering what’s moral and immoral.” - Religion Unplugged


No, Haitian Immigrants Are Not Eating Pet Cats


“the Springfield, Ohio, police department confirmed Monday that it found ‘no credible reports’ of immigrants—illegal or legal—harming or eating pets, and no evidence of other concerning illegal behavior.” - The Dispatch


What we know about unauthorized immigrants living in the U.S.


“As of 2022, unauthorized immigrants represented 3.3% of the total U.S. population and 23% of the foreign-born population. These shares were lower than the peak values in 2007 but slightly higher than in 2019.” - Pew


Christian groups say 15K cap on refugee resettlement for 2021 is 'unconscionable'


“ ‘As evangelicals, we believe in the God-given dignity of every person in every nation,’ reads a press statement by evangelical Christian leaders, including Russell Moore, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, under the banner of the Evangelical Immigration Table.” - C.Post


Is America Still an Option for Christians Fleeing Persecution?


“While I knew that restrictions have made it harder to immigrate to this country by crossing the border illegally from Mexico or applying for a work visa from China, I didn’t realize that new rules also affect those who flee persecution for their religious faith.” - TGC
