Does YHWH have a secret meaning?


“God is not pleased by the herculean efforts some people go to look so hard for hidden meanings—whether linguistic or allegorical or what have you—that they miss the simple point of what he said.” - Mark Ward


About Those “Angel Numbers”


“…you fill up your car with gas and it comes to exactly $77.77. Some would see such things as completely random, but to others, the repeating numeric sequences are known as ‘angel numbers’ and are filled with meaning and significance as signs of ‘confirmation’ and ‘directionality.’” - Church & Culture


Is Narrative Normative?

A recent forum discussion raised the question of what role the narrative portions of Scripture have for establishing Christian doctrine. The question had two parts: “What is sound doctrine concerning the doctrinal importance of narratives in Scripture? Who decides what is the correct view and what is not?”

I remember hearing a lot of bad preaching from narrative, growing up. I also heard a lot of good preaching from narrative. One lesson learned: If we don’t respect what narrative is, we can easily miss what God intended and even abuse the Scriptures.
