Catholics in Britain launch campaign against using ESV Bible at mass


“Some Catholic women in Britain are backing an online petition that urges the Church’s leadership in England and Wales to reverse their decision to use the ‘gender-exclusive’ English Standard Version of the Bible (Catholic edition), instead of the Jerusalem Bible translation, at mass.” - C.Post


The Madness of Crowds


G.K. Chesterton once observed that the ‘special mark of the modern world is not that it is skeptical, but that it is dogmatic without knowing it.’ His point was that moderns have forgotten that they are assuming what they believe to be a given. ‘In short,’ he concludes, “they always have an unconscious dogma; and an unconscious dogma is the definition of a prejudice.” - Breakpoint


Did David rape Bathsheba?


“If reasonable arguments can be made exegetically then perhaps we ought not to anathematize people who believe differently than we do on issues such as this. Perhaps someone can believe that David and Bathsheba committed adultery and still support the #metoo and #churchtoo moments.” - Dave Miller


Mattel launches gender-fluid dolls


“Mattel’s new gender-fluid Creatable World doll can be harmful to children confused about their gender and will likely flop on the market, Christian experts told Baptist Press.” - BPNews


From Sussex, England, to New England, Gender Activists Are Losing


“This week, approximately 150 parents and pupils (mostly girls, the footage suggests) staged a protest against enforced ‘gender neutral’ uniforms outside a high school in Sussex, England. Piers Morgan, the presenter of Good Morning Britain, who attended the school in question, tweeted, ‘The protesting parents & students have my full support. This whole gender neutral craze is out of control.


Amazon has removed the books of the "father of conversion therapy"


“Amazon has removed the books of Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, the psychologist whom critics have dubbed ‘the father of conversion therapy.’ In other words, for claiming that sexual orientation is not innate and immutable, and for claiming that change is possible, Dr. Nicolosi’s books must be banned.” - Christian Post
