Gen Z wants to spread Gospel by example and understand others, study says


“…according to a new Barna Research study in conjunction with Alpha USA….More than half of Gen Z Christians, 53 percent, have a very positive view of letting the way they live be the primary witness of their faith to non-Christians, compared to 40 percent who have a very positive view of sharing their faith by testimony” -


Preaching Effectively to Generation Z


“Here’s what I’m surprised (and convicted that I’m surprised) to see: the simple message of the gospel and the Word of God preached still change people’s lives to God’s glory and the advancement of his kingdom.” - Tim McKnight


Tarot booms as Generation Z sorts out spiritual path


“…when she was 16, said Cargle, ‘I got comfortable with myself, Catholicism and spirituality. … I was no longer afraid to touch a tarot deck.’ Cargle, who now identifies as spiritual but not religious, sees tarot as a tool.” - RNS


Study: Moral Relativism the “Majority Opinion” of Gen Z


“…ia new study found that ‘moral relativism’ (‘morally right and wrong changes over time, based on society’) is the belief of a whopping 74% of young adults in the US. A majority (65%) also believe ‘many religions can lead to eternal life.’” - AiG


Half of Gen Z Feel Bad About the Amount of Time Spent on Screens


“While it’s no surprise that Gen Z may be more engaged with their screens than previous generations, exactly what is an appropriate amount of screen time? Many experts in the medical, mental health and education fields recommend using screens less often and for shorter periods of time—and Gen Z, it seems, are inclined to agree with this advice.” - Barna


Survey: British Gen Z More Likely Than Millennials to Believe in God


Survey: “23 percent of Britons aged 16 to 24 said they believe in God, with an additional 13 percent saying they believe in a ‘higher spiritual power.’ By contrast, only 19 percent of those aged 25-39 said they believe in God, with 16 percent saying they believe in a higher power.” - C.Leaders


Technology Promises Connection, but Gen Z Sees a Paradox


“…while teens appreciate the connection and information that tech provides them, they also worry that their devices are cutting both ways: harming their ability to connect to others and making them even more bored than they were before they picked up their device.” - Barna


Half of Gen Z supports Marxism/socialism. Here’s why.


“How can young Americans distrust the government to take care of their interests and endorse socialism, which entrusts the government with the power to redistribute wealth, direct all economic activity, and control their access to such necessities as healthcare?
