Christianity in Colter’s Hell

Mountain man Colter believed Cody County had the stirrings of hell with the hot steam rising from deep within the earth. But some think that this area on the eastern side of Yellowstone National Park, America’s first, is one of the most beautiful places in the country. For the FBF conference, held September 18-19 in this secluded area of the Intermountain West, John Vaughn showed up in boots, shiny buckle, and cowboy hat.


Fundamentalism and Aesthetics


Matt LaPine provides a link to an article on aesthetics by William Edgar. His featured quote should prove interesting to Fundamentalists.


Albert Mohler on Doctrinal Triage: A Response

In The Nick Of TimeBP News is the official press of the Southern Baptist Convention. In a recent “First‐Person” article (August 23, 2006), Albert Mohler issued “A Call for Theological Triage and Christian Maturity.” The article, which has been posted twice on Mohler’s own blog, reiterates an argument that he has repeated in several venues. It is an important argument, and Mohler expresses it thoughtfully.


Young Fundamentalists Survey

Note: This article was originally posted September 19, 2005.

In February of 2005, we completed our survey of the young fundamentalists and presented the results at the National Leadership Conference. Since then, I have highlighted several of the results here on SI. However, the editing process is now complete, and we are releasing the results.
