Survey on What Americans fear – Christians Can Be Counterculturally Fearless


“…the foremost fear in the U.S. (for the sixth year in a row) is fear of ‘corrupt government officials.’ It’s a fear shared by Republicans (84.6 percent) and Democrats (77.8 percent) alike… the next highest-ranking fear (‘people I love dying’) is a full 20 points lower.” - TGC


Dealing with Intimidation, Part 3: Power


“When, like Timothy, you’re facing a challenge that seems too big for you, it’s helpful to know that … our Father has not given us a panicking kind of spirit. But it’s also helpful to know what he has given us. Paul specifies three gifts from an omnipotent, gracious, knowledgeable, and sympathetic Father.” - Olinger


The World Is Afraid, and the Church Isn’t Helping


“At the end of 2020, Lifeway Research asked U.S. adults which feeling they sought to avoid the most: fear, shame, or guilt. Four in 10 U.S. adults (41%) said fear, the clear winner of the three options.” - Lifeway


What Do I Do With My Fear?


“It seems in nearly every circle of people I am a part of, there is a palpable anxiousness right now….This is the problem with us as well. Our fears arise when we have forgotten who He is. That He’s so much bigger than whatever is worrying us. We must remind ourselves.” - Diane Heeney


For the Christian Who Is Afraid to Die


“James Meikle beautifully tells us in these words. ‘Why so much complaint of death? It is true, death is the fruit of sin, for by sin, death came into the world. But it is also true, that death is the finisher of sin to the godly—for by death sin shall be cast out forever.’” - Challies


Overcoming Paralysing Fear – with Fear!


“All these circumstances are fear-filled. That’s because we live in a fallen and broken world – a sin-stained world not as it should be. Our fearful response is what the Puritan John Flavel called ‘natural fear,’ an emotion even our Savior felt as He anticipated the horrors of the cross before Him.” - Christina Fox


“What Will Ministry in a Post-Covid World Look Like?”


“I think there will be people who are there week one a church is back open, but also people will stay home and continue to watch online. Not only because of ease but also because of fear. And while some will say there shouldn’t be fear, there is.
