Faith and Providence

This week I made my annual journey back to Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary in Ankeny, Iowa, for the Refresh Conference.

It was my fourth Refresh, so I realized that, in essence, I have witnessed another class of college students pass through Faith’s doors during these days. To me that time seems like it has just whisked by—as does the entire interval since I was a seminary student at Faith.


Record Attendance at Refresh Conference


“The conference, now in its eighth year, drew a record number of attendees from four countries, 27 states, and 172 ministries.” - GARBC


Without Faith

During my time as a student at Faith Baptist Theological Seminary, I learned that there was an old youth pastors’ joke, built on a misuse of Heb. 11:6. The verse states:

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.


My Experience at Refresh

This winter, for the second year in a row, I went back to my seminary alma mater in Ankeny, Iowa, to attend the Refresh Conference hosted by Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary. Once again, I exhibited on behalf of The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, and this year I was joined by my colleague Paul Pierce, a Faith College graduate who serves as a church ministries representative in the state of Washington.


Faith Baptist Bible College Is 100 Years Old Today


“From its early days in Omaha as Omaha Bible Institute to its transition to Faith Baptist Bible College in Ankeny, Iowa, one thing has remained the same over the last 100 years: a commitment to training men and women for a lifetime of Christian service.” -


‘You Could Go to Seminary!’

“You could go to seminary!”

I will never forget those words from my wife Lynnette—and she won’t either.

They were uttered as we were eating lunch one day in the spring of 1994, watching The Coral Ridge Hour from Dr. D. James Kennedy and Coral Ridge Ministries. The segment at the end of that particular episode highlighted the new Knox Theological Seminary, which Dr. Kennedy had begun and was promoting to his national television audience.


Hope Fulfilled, Treasure Gained

No one will ever replace Dr. Myron J. Houghton.

“Dr. Myron” was my seminary theology professor. He served at Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary from 1983 until his retirement in 2019.

He died on Tuesday, less than two weeks from his 79th birthday.


Faith Pulpit Day Welcomes Dr. Mark Minnick


Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary welcomed Dr. Mark Minnick for its Annual Faith Pulpit Day March 28. This year’s topic was “Puritan Preaching and Praying.” - GARBC


FBBC: Volunteers Requested!


“This summer, we will be tearing out the old gymnasium floor and replacing it with the new surface. We have a professional installer ready to put the new floor in place, but we need the help of volunteers to tear out the existing floor and subfloor.” - Announcement
