Can Science and Faith Be Reconciled?
“Does science favor unbelief? And must Christians reject science? Is science another religion that believers must separate from in order to stay true to God?” - Ref21
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
“Does science favor unbelief? And must Christians reject science? Is science another religion that believers must separate from in order to stay true to God?” - Ref21
“Dr. Hayhoe’s bifurcation of belief (faith) and scientific knowledge (as derived from observation) is a common misunderstanding. …She writes as if thinking that 2 + 2 = 4, or that human activity is driving dangerous climate change, is not belief, but thinking that Jesus rose from the dead, or ‘that God’s love has been poured in our hearts,’ is.” - Cornwall Alliance
“Christ’s famous admonition to give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God (Mark 12:17) is widely regarded as radicalizing the Jewish conviction that the power of earthy rulers is limited by God’s divine law, a conviction that would become a crucial feature of the Western understanding of government power.” - Acton
“In a new interview on his book, Reason, Faith, and the Struggle for Western Civilization, Samuel Gregg lays out how crucial the integration of reason and faith is to the West and what specific consequences result when reason and faith are separated from each other.” - Acton
“Although these atheists may have heard sincere Christians wrongly say things like, “oh, you just have to have faith” as if they didn’t need evidence for their belief, this is not supported by the meaning of the words faith or belief that is found in the New Testament.” - AiG
On John 20:31 - “In other words, John is saying ‘these things that I’ve collected and written down — they are to form the basis of belief, that is they are evidence!” - FaithWire