Facebook Reportedly Designates Violent Pro-Abortion “Jane’s Revenge” as Dangerous Extremist Group


The Intercept claims an internal memo describes Jane’s Revenge as “a far-left extremist group that has claimed responsibility on its website for an attack against an anti-abortion group’s office in Madison, Wisconsin in May 2022. The group is responsible for multiple arson and vandalism attacks on pro-life institutions.” - The Intercept


The Facebook Expose: Four Things Parents Need to Know


“Facebook’s own research confirms what many academic researchers had been saying for years—that for some people, especially teen girls, social media can harm mental health, and that the rise in depression and self-harm among teens since 2010 might be caused by the increasing popularity of social media” - IFS


Facebook’s Unenviable Position


“The Left’s efforts to bully the social-media giant have nothing to do with protecting democracy, and everything to do with political expediency.” - N. Review
