The Well-Meant Offer: God Begs the Wicked to Repent (Ezek 33:11), Part 3
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An Impassioned Entreaty
Having provided an oath-bound affirmation of his preference for mercy over judgment, God now turns to the wicked and entreats them: “Turn back, turn back from your evil ways, for why will you die, O house of Israel?” (Ezekiel 33:11b, ESV).
The Well-Meant Offer: God Begs the Wicked to Repent (Ezek 33:11), Part 2
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God instructs Ezekiel to respond to the people’s complaint, and the Lord’s response has two parts: first, God makes an oath-bound affirmation; second, he issues an impassioned entreaty. Let’s consider each of those in turn.
The Well-Meant Offer: God Begs the Wicked to Repent (Ezek 33:11), Part 1
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The setting of Ezekiel’s prophecy in general and of our text in particular is the exile. The first phase of the exile took place around 605 B.C. The second phase of the exile took place about 7 or 8 years later, around 597 B.C. And the final stage of the exile took place in 586 B.C. This is when the Babylonians destroyed the walls and temple of Jerusalem.