What Does “Evangelical” Really Mean?


“Bebbington has created the ‘Bebbington quadrilateral,’ four Christian beliefs that shape evangelical identity wherever it appears; all Christians who believe these things are allegedly ‘evangelical.’ They are: biblicism, conversionism, crucicentrism, and activism” - Roger Olson


Are American Evangelicals Gullible?


“By no means would I ever believe that evangelicals are necessarily or always or only more gullible than anyone else. What I am asking is if American evangelicals TEND to be too gullible for their own or anyone else’s good?” - Roger Olsen


Evangelicals, Trump, and Witnessing for the Truth


“by insisting on truth telling in a season like this, and by denying active or tacit support to a movement that undermines the integrity of the church’s witness, you gain the modest comfort of being able to watch the world burn and know that you, at least, did not light the match.” - Acton
