3 in 5 Evangelicals Live in Asia or Africa


“Globally, evangelicals number 660 million and represent 26% of the world’s Christian population, according to estimates from researcher Sebastian Fath. In addition, the research fellow at the National Center for Scientific Research in France and specialist in the study of evangelicalism says more than 60% of evangelicals live in Asia or Africa.” - F&T


What Happened to ‘Evangelicals’? How Politics Seized a Precious Word


“As an evangelical myself, I won’t be taking the Washington Post’s recommendation that it is time for evangelicals to ‘panic.’ The Lord is on his throne, and he will accomplish his purposes with or without a healthy, coherent American evangelical community.


Fundys, Evangelicals and the Eye of a Needle

I minister in a church sub-culture that has no understanding of the fundamentalism/evangelical debates. I received theological training from an excellent fundamentalist seminary. But, the church I serve has no self-conscious fundamentalist identity, even though it’s a member of the GARBC. It’s an “evangelical” church, though many members might not know exactly what that means.


Baptists differ over evangelical movement


“A historian, an ethicist and a pastor – all Baptists – displayed a difference of opinion on the usefulness of the word ‘evangelical’ and the state of evangelicalism in an Oct. 29 conversation at the Museum of the Bible.” - BR Now


The Evangelical Coalition


“Olson’s introduction to postfundamentalist evangelicalism (new evangelicalism) is striking in that the history I was taught by fundamentalist professors matches exactly what Olson describes.” - Don Johnson


National Association of Evangelicals’ New President Hopes to Bring Together a Movement in Crisis


“Anderson and others have tried to keep the movement’s name from being hijacked as merely a political marker….Now Kim takes on these challenges, which have intensified during Donald Trump’s presidency. Christians are increasingly and explicitly asking what it means to be an evangelical today, with recent releases like Who Is an Evangelical?
