How to Be There for Those Walking Through Grief


“As one who greatly benefited from those in this role following the untimely death of my wife of 50 years in December 2021, here are a few suggestions based on what was most helpful to me.” - Lifeway


7 Reasons Why Pastors Need Encouragement Today


“A pastor’s work is never done…. Sermon preparation is difficult work…. Seldom is a pastor not at least ‘on call.’… A word of encouragement is often unexpected and surprising.” - Chuck Lawless


Barnabas: A Case Study on the Ministry of Encouragement

Acts 11:24 says this of Barnabas: he was “a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith.” God describes Barnabas as a man who lived by the strength and grace of the Holy Spirit. God describes Barnabas a man who believed His Word, a man whose live greatly encouraged others. Anyone that God publicly assesses this way is someone that we want to emulate!


Never Be Discouraged and Never Be a Discourager


“ ‘I offer two pieces of wisdom… Never be discouraged and never be a discourager.’ I have thought deeply about this counsel and have decided it is good—mostly good.” - Challies


C. S. Lewis Shows Us How to Care for Doubters


“intellectual solutions weren’t what Lewis needed in those moments. His arguments hadn’t lost their rationality; they’d lost their emotional weight. In the face of his wife’s death, they now felt hollow.” - TGC


How to Minister to Someone Whose Faith Is Under Fire


“someone… whose faith is under fire from great trials or a particular attack from the tempter. How would you minister to this person? Paul gives us a model in his letter to the church in Thessalonica.” - Colin Smith
