Memories of Merciful Teachers


“Now, these are …two very different men, with very different personalities, approaches, and teaching styles. But in my formative years in academia they both showed me mercy, and nearly 50 years later I still remember.” - Dan Olinger


New Surveys Find That Religious Schooling Has a Lifelong Effect


“A survey conducted by the University of Notre Dame’s Sociology Department looked at comparative life outcomes for adults aged 24–42 who were educated in one of six school segments or types (public, private secular preparatory schools, Catholic schools, evangelical protestant Christian schools, religious homeschools, and classical Christian schools (schools affiliated with the Association of Classical Christian Schools (ACCS)), and gauged them on seven life outcomes”


Fact facts: President Trump’s new guidance on religion and prayer in schools


“The document has the unwieldy title, ‘Guidance on Constitutionally Protected Prayer and Religious Expression in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools.’ However, it contains pithy truths and robust protections for people of every faith in the nation’s 132,853 K-12 public schools.” - Acton


A Promising Day for Religious Liberty at the High Court


The state isn’t required to “fund private education at all, but if they choose to provide scholarships that are available to students who attend private schools, they can’t discriminate against parents who want to send their children to schools that are affiliated in some way with a church,” said Alito.


The Countercultural Idea of a Christian University


“No educational program is neutral; each emerges from a vision of reality. Any university that is serious about its Christian mission must recognize that today it confronts an educational establishment that operates with a vision that is incompatible with the most basic philosophical commitments of a Christian institution.


Why We Need to Take Education Back to Past Practices


“… our public schools and universities cannot be places where virtue is taught, primarily because we as a society can hardly agree on the meaning of the word. Most of our schools no longer recognize character formation as ‘being the ultimate end of all instruction.’” - Intellectual Takeout


The Incompatibility of Critical Theory and Christianity


“Over the last few years, new terms like ‘cisgender,’ ‘intersectionality,’ ‘heteronormativity,’ ‘centering,’ and ‘white fragility’ have suddenly entered our cultural lexicon—seemingly out of nowhere.
