Steps to Move Members into Ministry
“Here are some basic principles we learned in a study…. What specific action does your church take to move members into ministry?” - Chuck Lawless
The State of Groups: Trends and Best Practices for Groups Ministry
“Studies have shown participation in ongoing Bible studies bolsters worship attendance. The higher a church’s percentage of weekend worship attendees involved in a small group, Sunday School class or similar group, the greater likelihood of five-year worship attendance growth.” - Lifeway
The Benefits of Following Jesus Always Far Outweigh the Costs
“Those who have been cast out of their biological families for following Christ now have God’s family to welcome them. Even if they don’t own their own houses, they have hundreds of houses to stay in, where they’ll be warmly welcomed. Jesus promises not only eternal happiness but a hundred times more happiness here and now.” - Randy Alcorn
Investing in the Future: Helping Others Take Their Next Step in Serving Christ
“God has graciously allowed us to mentor, support, and send out several men…. Their stories are a testament to what God can do when a church is committed to investing in individuals, encouraging them, and walking with them as they step into the ministries God has called them to.” - GARBC
What I Learned From Teaching My Son to Tie His Shoes
“Some things are nearly impossible to explain, but easy to demonstrate. In these cases, learners require observation and mimicry more than well-articulated explanations of reality.” - Common Good
Developing Male Leaders in a Church of Willing Women
“1. Don’t discount women…. 2. Pray for men to step up…. 3. Identify men whom you can challenge toward leadership…. 4. Equip men to lead.” - GARBC
Deliberate Disciple-Making in the Church
“In my ninth year as lead pastor of my church, a crucial question loomed large. Were believers truly growing spiritually? Despite an influx of people and an air of excitement at my church, the pastoral team grappled with the depth of discipleship.” - GARBC
Why Small Church Pastors Can Drive a Revival of Discipleship
“Church growth strategies have been tough on small church pastors…. But a small church pastor is uniquely positioned to drive a revival of discipleship in ways that larger churches and celebrity pastors simply cannot replicate.” - Church Leaders
How to Increase Biblical Literacy in Your Church
“I’ve sat in Bible study groups (and cringed) when the leader asked the group, ‘What do you want to study next?’ Like preschoolers craving their favorite snack, people tend toward their favorite Bible books or topics.” - Lifeway