Church Dropouts and Leaving Church

The Most Pivotal Age to Keep Young Adults in Church


“After their sweet sixteenth birthday 73% of eventual church dropouts attend regularly, compared to 79% of those who stayed in church. By 17, the divide grows (64% of dropouts are attending versus 78% on non-dropouts). At 18, less than half of those who drop out are regularly attending (48%)” - Lifeway


Why the Church Is Losing the Next Generation


“I started to wonder whether religion itself—or at least the kind of Christianity that showed up in the slogans all around me—might really be about something else: southern culture or politics. If so, I thought, that would mean that Jesus is not the Way, the Truth, and the Life, but a means to an end.


Reconstructing Faith in a Deconstructing Culture


“One of the trends I’ve noticed when it comes to matters of faith deconstruction is that many of those who talk about their deconstructions have deconstructed from the worst parts of Christian subculture, and rightfully so.” - LifeWay


Engaging #Exvangelical: Three Tips for Church Leaders

By Jacob Bier

In recent years there have been growing fears within evangelical churches concerning the decline of young adult church attendance. Simply put, churches are continuing to see the younger generations walk away from the faith.


3 Common Traits of Youth Who Don’t Leave the Church


“ ‘What do we do about our kids?’ The group of parents sat together in my office, wiping their eyes….they weren’t talking about 16-year-olds drinking and partying. They were talking about youth church attendance.
