How to Identify a Great Deacon


“Fascinatingly, Paul doesn’t seem too interested in what potential deacons can do. His focus is squarely on who they must be. (Don’t miss this easy-to-forget lesson: God cares more about character than about gifting.)” - TGC


A Biblical Case Against the Deaconess


“The question of women deacons, like all doctrinal questions, must be resolved by recourse to Scripture. If the Scriptures speak clearly on the matter, then nothing else matters. If the Scriptures do not speak clearly on the matter, then we have no right to take a dogmatic position on it.” - Ref21


10 Crucial Commitments of Effective Deacons

By Jim Vogel. Republished with permission from Baptist Bulletin.

No church can be successful without committed leadership. It starts with pastors who are committed to the Word and the people they serve, but it includes deacons who take their role seriously and serve with genuine dedication.


The Process of Adding Individuals to the Two Offices of the Local Church


One of the perennial challenges that face congregations and the leaders that lead them is the question of how to add individuals to either the elder team or the deacon team. Challenges abound. If congregations are not very careful, they run the risk of leading the church in either one of two directions. The first is a kind of oligarchy where only a select few could ever be elected, even if there is a larger pool of available individuals that could be selected from.
