ACLU is suing D.C. transit on behalf of David Barton's Wallbuilders


“The ACLU and First Liberty Institute have represented clients on opposite sides several times in the past….The two organizations collaborated in this suit to show the court it was not a “partisan issue, but really an issue of free speech for everybody” - RNS


America the Fictional

A review of the videotape “America’s Godly Heritage,” by David Barton, distributed by Wall-Builders of Aledo, Texas.


In the comic strip “Sibling Revelry,” two children approach a historical marker that reads, “On this spot a small group of white European males took full credit for an event of historical importance. Although women and non-whites played no part in this event, their significance cannot be overlooked.” One child says, “History’s not what it used to be.” The other replies, “Maybe it never was.”
