A factcheck on anti-vaccine religious celebrities


“One might debate whether it is morally permissible to benefit from evil deeds, such as an abortion in 1973 in which one had no role or input, but before getting to that topic in moral theology, we should all get the basic facts right…” - CPost


Christian groups, including Answers in Genesis, ask Supreme Court to stop Biden employer vaccine mandate


“The First Liberty Institute, a legal nonprofit specializing in religious liberty cases, filed an emergency application for stay with the nation’s high court over the weekend on behalf of multiple faith-based organizations, arguing that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration vaccine mandate violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.” - CP


Survey: Most Americans support vaccine religious exemptions but suspect invalid use


“majorities of almost every religious group believe there are no valid religious reasons to refuse a COVID-19 vaccine, including Hispanic Catholics (68%), other Christians (68%), Jewish Americans (67%), Hispanic Protestants (64%), white Catholics (62%), … Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (60%), Black Protestants (59%), white mainline Protestants (56%) and other Protestants of color (51%).” -
