A Christian History of Pandemics


“Church history is intertwined with plagues. Read about what healthcare looked like during the Roman Empire, how Christian communities responded to outbreaks like the Black Death by persecuting Jews, and how the modern church approached the AIDS crisis.” - CT


The FAQs: Answering Tech Questions Pastors Are Asking


“Many pastors feel the pressure of getting up to speed on the latest tech tools and are asking for help in various forums around the web. Here are some answers to the most frequently asked questions.” - TGC


What Does the Bible Say about Pandemics?


“As believers, we easily mistake these kinds of events and developments as ‘signs of the end,’ becoming anxious or sensational in our outlook. Jesus jettisons this perspective, though, saying the opposite – that when these things happen, ‘the end is not yet’ (Matt 24:6).” - P&D


How To Make the Most of Lockdown (Tips from Christians in Italy)


“…parts of America and swaths of Europe have already seen significant lockdown measures put into place. To learn how to do this well, and to prepare as much as possible, I wrote to everyone I could think of in Italy to ask them for tips.” - Challies


Ministry & COVID-19 Roundup


Here’s a collection of some of the latest (at this moment) COVID-19 related news and views, mostly from Christian sources.
