Is the Trauma Narrative Helpful?


“As a counselor, I’ve found value in the increasing awareness of how trauma can affect a person. But I’ve wondered if trauma-directed narratives can skew our understanding of ourselves and others.” - TGC


Get Guilt Out of the Way

Posted previously in 2010.

Men and women, young and old, rich and poor—they all gathered at the square by the water gate. They wanted to hear the Book of the Law read. Ezra was more than willing and read from dawn to noon while everyone stood with rapt attention. Teachers helped translate and explain words grown unfamiliar after decades of neglect.


Waterloo, Iowa repeals ban on 'conversion therapy' for minors


“The decision to repeal the ordinance came in response to a complaint letter from the Liberty Counsel, a national law firm dedicated to First Amendment rights. The legal group contacted the city after residents notified them of the ban.” - CPost


“Does Therapy Even Work?”


“There are some, many of them Christians, striving to rethink psychology and counsel others by looking outward as well as inward, to know themselves by first knowing what is true and good.” - Breakpoint


Is It ‘Ministry Failure’ To See a Counselor?


“instead of protesting the ‘rights and wrongs’ of counseling, let’s start from a point of agreement that our holistic health contains aspects—physical, spiritual, intellectual, and emotional health—that God created in us and are, thus, worthy of our care.” - Lifeway


Is Biblical Counseling Anti-Science?


“Terms of derision are often used to dismiss others or the beliefs they espouse. Their use is, at its root, intellectual laziness. Rather than building a reasoned case for disagreement (or seeking a clearer understanding of the opposing idea), an epithet is launched to ‘settle’ the disagreement.” - GARBC
