Christianity is not about our rights


“Prayerfully extend grace to your brothers and sisters who may see things differently than you do. Go the extra mile to make your church family comfortable by abiding by the collective wisdom of your leaders. If you feel uncomfortable with the decisions your leaders make, stay home a little longer. If you are at risk due to health issues, please be safe and wait.


Concerns Pastors Have About Their Church Gathering Again


“…my fear is a member [or] a visitor being someone connected to the contact tracing, and the blame falling to the church”….“I am concerned that when the second wave comes and the authorities need us to close church back down, the conflict and strife will be worse than it is now in the arguments over reopening” …. “My concern as we move to indoor services is for our older, at-risk members. They are among our most faithfully engaged members and will be there when the doors are open.


The Origins of Social Distancing


“That the ‘grand social experiment’ of social distancing and government lockdown derived from a 14-year-old girl’s science project by no means implies that these are bad ideas. I say, give the girl, who would be in her twenties by now, the Nobel Prize for Medicine!” - Gene Veith


“What Will Ministry in a Post-Covid World Look Like?”


“I think there will be people who are there week one a church is back open, but also people will stay home and continue to watch online. Not only because of ease but also because of fear. And while some will say there shouldn’t be fear, there is.


Church, Don’t Let Coronavirus Divide You


“…even if it turns out you’re right, can you not sacrifice your ideal for a season, out of love for others who believe the precautions are necessary?
