Gathered worship, local church worship, corporate worship.

When Small Groups Replace Sunday Church Attendance


“…believers are increasingly prioritizing small group gatherings over traditional Sunday church attendance. This shift raises important questions about the role of corporate worship, discipleship, and the future of the local church” - C.Leaders


Book Recommendations on Corporate Worship from Pastors


“Is there a singer or musician in your church who is hungry to glorify God as they lead in corporate worship? Or do your members need to be taught that they’re all ‘part of the choir’? 9Marks asked a couple of pastors who have thought a lot about corporate worship for book recommendations.” - 9 Marks


A Brief Review of “Doxology: How Worship Works”

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There are many books on Christian worship: some helpful and some not-so-helpful. Nicolas Alford’s Doxology: How Worship Works clearly belongs in the former category. Though affirming the broader sense of worship (as a way of life), the book intentionally focuses on congregational worship. Alford is preeminently concerned that God’s people worship by the Book. Drawing from the Reformed tradition, he concisely expounds and carefully applies the Regulative Principle of Worship (RPW), which, in essence, is the doctrine of sola Scriptura applied to church life and ministry.

But Alford does more—which is what makes this book superior to many others. First, he prefaces the the major principles that should govern our worship with a chapter that distinguishes between authority and influences. The Bible is the ultimate authority for worship. Nevertheless, there are other considerations that may and, in some cases, should affect the way we understand and apply the Bible. Alford defines and explains these influences in the following order of priority: Confessional/Convictional, Traditional/Cultural, and Preference/Deference.

Second, Alford identifies seven prefatory principles that we must employ as we seek to order our worship aright: the Biblical, Trinitarian, Covenantal, Ecclesiastical, Sabbatic, Governing, and Commissioned principles. These are Scriptural vantage points or perspectives from which we can ascertain the biblical contours of worship more clearly.


How the Regulative Principle Can Free You


“What should churches do when they gather on Sunday? The answer isn’t as obvious as it may seem. In this episode, Matt Smethurst and Ligon Duncan share how they prepare for Sunday worship in light of their pastoral role.” - TGC


The Great SBC Voices Hymn Survey


“I thought it would be interesting to poll our dear Voices readers to ask about their favorite hymn. I hope you will share the title of your favorite hymn (or hymns) and tell why it’s your favorite.” - SBC Voices


Sober or Somber Worship?


“simultaneously, we are told to ‘rejoice with trembling’ (Psalm 2:11), and to ‘serve the Lord with gladness; Come before His presence with singing’ (Psalm 100:2). We are to ‘come before His presence with thanksgiving;… [and] shout joyfully to Him with psalms.’ (Psalm 95:2)” - Churches Without Chests


Tips for Shaping the Sunday Gathering


“…since ordering my church’s worship is a part of my job, I knew I needed some help. I needed to get organized. For pastors like me, here are some tips for getting organized for the task.” - 9 Marks
