Common Grace Is Special Too


“The symphony of creation whispers of God. Proverbs 8:30–36 teaches that God’s wisdom is embedded in the fabric of creation, and when we thread ourselves into the same fabric, we’re blessed.” - TGC


On Plundering the Egyptians: Remembering Common Grace


“unbelievers can, by virtue of common grace, come to philosophical conclusions that are helpful and true and can be utilized by the Christian. … Though in recent days, when it comes to Aristotle (and Aquinas’s use of Aristotle), there are some who are quick to sound an alarm” - Ref21


The Blessing of Rest


“…you don’t have to have a Jewish grandmother to gain an appreciation for God’s gift of the Sabbath. All you need is a willingness to consider the possibility that maybe, just maybe, God has written down what we need for genuine human flourishing and built it into the actual fabric of the created order.” - Breakpoint


Discovering a World of Surplus Beauty


“I took with me the experience of having stood together with God, of having joined with him to admire the kind of beauty meant to delight the heart of a boy and to delight the heart of God himself.” - Challies


Martin Lloyd-Jones on the Holy Spirit and Common Grace


“Common grace is ‘the term applied to those general blessing which God imparts to all men and women indiscriminately as He pleases, not only to His own people, but to all men and women, according to His own will’ (24). God sends rain on the just and the unjust. For example, common grace is when sin is restrained in society for the good of all (even unbelievers).” - Servants of Grace


Common Grace: “...we are surrounded by beauty and good things that defy logic.”


“We begin our journey through grace with the way God shows his grace – his love and favour – towards all he has made. David explicitly highlights this facet of God’s dealings with all his creatures in Psalm 145, captured in the words, ‘The Lord is good to all, and his mercy is over all he has made’ (145.9).” - Ref 21
