God Makes Much of Little Things


“God isn’t just in life’s monumental things. He’s present in the little things: rain drops, the artistry of spider webs, and the sound of an acoustic guitar. A child’s laugh…. If we disregard these and thousands of other gifts, we don’t just fail to notice them, we fail to notice God.” - Randy Alcorn


My Unbelieving Dad Helped Me See Jesus


“We certainly want to share eternity with our dads… but our longing for our unbelieving fathers’ salvation shouldn’t keep us from celebrating them now for the earthly good they’ve done.” - TGC


Liberty Is Not the Product of Any One Religion


“The ideas of liberty and individual dignity cannot be ascribed exclusively to Christianity—or for that matter to any other religion—as they are inherent in human nature. In short, they are what it means to be human.” - Acton


Beauty Everywhere, Even Online


“Watching others captivated by the wonder of simply seeing or hearing is a powerful statement on the goodness of God’s world.” - Breakpoint
