Book Review - Shepherding God's Flock
“The importance of church leadership can so easily be either overstated, or understated” (p. 283).
Church Tramps?
I am talking about those who, like the hummingbird, hover for a while at one flower and then another but never stop their wing motion long enough to settle down anywhere.
Is Attending Church Mandatory?
Moody Radio’s Up for Debate! discusses whether attending church is mandatory at all. Is attending church really necessary—or, is it okay for Christians to find other ways of worshipping and connecting with other believers? Moody Radio explored this issue with author Wayne Jacobsen, who says attending organized church is optional—and Jonathan Leeman, who believes it’s mandatory.
It's Time for the Church to Grow Up
“’The only difference between Christians and non-Christians is that Christians are forgiven.’ Well, that’s simply not biblical.” - Interview with Thomas Bergler. It’s Time for the Church to Grow Up
2015 trends: fewer evening services, more congregational singing
“14. …We see the number of U. S. churches offering a Sunday evening service to dip below 5 percent of all churches in America. In other words, this service will become almost extinct.
"It is easy to identify what some people want in the preaching ... but what, exactly, do they need?"
“I am talking about seeing the needs God has designed the Scripture to meet and then providing preaching that, in a balanced way, reflects that design.”