The Danger of the Scarcity Gospel


“The prosperity gospel is heresy…. there is something of a similar nature lurking in my own circles….the scarcity gospel. It is the belief that we should expect God to do very little through our churches or in our lifetime.” - By Faith


Is Church Growth Desirable or Dangerous? Yes.


“If we are in a small congregation, we ought to rejoice in our close fellowship, in the ordinary work of God lived out with the people whom God has placed us among. At the same time, we ought to see growth as a good gift and as a blessing when the Lord brings it.” - Ref21


Church Health, Then Church Growth


“Our objective ought to be church health, not church growth. A vital or healthy church is marked by spiritual vitality, functional effectiveness, and statistical growth in its life and ministry.” - Ken Brown


Of Course the Church Is Going to Be Small


“Our models and our expectations for ‘successful’ churches tend to focus on growing in numbers. But is that realistic? …. Christian minorities gathered into small congregations can still function effectively as the Body of Christ. In fact, that may be the Biblical norm.” - Veith
