The New Mid-Size Church Advantages
“Fifteen years ago, I wondered if mid-size churches might go extinct…. The mid-size church is still here, and I’m glad I did not publish my thoughts. Now, they have several growth advantages in North America.” - Sam Rainer
Is the Multi-Service Model Really Practical?
“I would argue that…. every additional service a church holds could be a new congregation that the church multiplies.” - 9 Marks
Why the Size of Your Church Doesn’t Matter . . . but Then Again, Why It Does
“I strongly believe that church size doesn’t matter, but I also just as strongly believe that church size does matter. I know that’s contradictory, but…” - Chuck Lawless
Are All of Our Shrinking Churches Evangelistic Failures?
“Are Christians evangelizing less, leading to a decline in church membership? Or is the decline a result of rejecting pragmatic ecclesiology and shallow views of conversion?
It Is Time to Stop Celebrating Church Transfer Growth
“my concern is that there exists a celebration culture of transfer growth that is not healthy. I will elaborate, but first, we need to define the ‘good’ growth, conversion growth.” - Church Answers
5 Reasons Why Non-Denominational Churches Are Growing
“4. Non-denominational churches do not carry the ‘name’ baggage that a denominational church might carry. I think this issue can be overstated…. 5. Non-denominational churches tend to be newer churches that grow faster than older churches.” - Rainer
The Megachurch Movement Is Fading. What’s Next?
“Though it is difficult to estimate precisely how many megachurches remain in the United States, it’s safe to assume the large growth curves of the 1980s and 1990s are a thing of the past.” - Church Answers
It’s Time to Release Churches from the Myth of Infinite Expansion
“Even the largest churches stay at the top of the list for only about twenty years. Each generation has its own group of biggest congregations or fastest-growing congregations.” - Sam Rainer
U.S. megachurches are getting even bigger as smaller churches close
“The average Christian congregation…[has] just 65 members, about a third of whom are age 65 or older, according to a 2020 pre-pandemic survey. By contrast, a separate 2020 study found that three-quarters of megachurches were growing, many at a rapid clip.” - NPR