Redeeming the Culture?


“Our goal in this edition of FrontLine is to provide biblical and theological tools that will help you decide how you will engage a dominant culture that is hostile to Christianity.” - P&D


Should We be Trying to Redeem the Culture?


“We have a gospel mandate that makes the dominion mandate redundant. Our mandate in this age is the Great Commission. Make disciples of Jesus Christ—genuine, deep, self-sacrificing reflections of the character of Christ in personal heart and life.” - P&D


“Would Jesus Wash a Homosexual’s Feet?”

I had never before been asked for a pastor’s opinion concerning a Superbowl commercial. This year was different. The most talked about Superbowl ad had as its theme “He Gets Us.” It features Christians washing the feet of those with whom they disagree. It ends with the powerful words: “Jesus didn’t teach hate. He washed feet.”


A Book Review of Scott Aniol’s Citizens and Exiles


“Whether or not one is convinced of the two kingdoms theology versus a one kingdom framework, this book rightfully guards against an over-realized eschatology that underlies the cultural compromise and mission drift so common in the church.” - P&D


The Political Sermons We Need in 2024


“How do we ‘fear not’ during such fearful times? How do we not let the ‘sun go down’ on our political anger?… How do we love those we fear or hate?…How do we love those who fear or hate us?” - Providence


He Came So We Could Be Like Him


“Christ rescues us from our ability to only see our own culture and moment, and pulls us into a new metaphysical reality….Instead of crafting a Christ exactly like me, the Incarnation makes a way for us to become like Him.” - Mere Orthodoxy
